
The next paradigm shift
The next paradigm shift

the next paradigm shift


One clear example are those professions (managers, data scientists, statisticians.) that can make use of new digital tools (machine learning techniques, big data and software that makes accurate predictions) to improve their company’s service quality or its production efficiency. However, at the same time other jobs are becoming more important, those in which the work carried out by machines and the contribution made by a worker complement each other. For instance, in January Amazon opened a store in Seattle with no shop assistants or automatic tellers. As new technologies become integrated within the production process, certain tasks will probably be carried out by fewer workers and some jobs might even disappear (what could be called the «substitution effect»). Firstly, we expect jobs to considerably evolve over the next few years. This will have several likely consequences. One of the key features of the new paradigm is that machines (mainly robots, new operating systems and algorithms) are expected to become more involved in the production process. In this article we examine the potential impact of this technological change on the labour market, on the sectoral structure of the economy and on the organisation of firms. This is a rapid, global, irreversible change which will have an effect on all sectors of economic activity.


But this second phase or new paradigm is very different because, for the first time, technologies are demonstrating they can also do non-routine work and learn how to solve problems on their own. 1,2 Phase one of this second age started in the mid-90s when information and communications technologies took over many routine tasks and changed how companies operated. In the words of the economists Brynjolfsson and McAfee, these technologies showwe are starting phase two of the second machine age. These challenges arise when the dominant paradigm, under which normally accepted science operates, is found to be incompatible or insufficient with new data or findings, facilitating the adoption of a revised or completely new theory or paradigm.Self-driving cars, robots that cook (almost) as skilfully as some chefs, software that can diagnose diseases, machines that beat humans at chess and game shows. Kuhn characterized a paradigm shift as a revolution that challenges and ultimately takes the place of a prevailing scientific framework. The concept was first formalized by physicist and philosopher of science Thomas Kuhn.Īlthough the notion of paradigms has been around for quite some time, the concept of paradigm shifts was explored by American physicist and philosopher Thomas Samuel Kuhn in his 1962 book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.There is often resistance to a new paradigm coming from incumbents.A paradigm shift can result after the accumulation of anomalies or evidence that challenges the status quo, or due to some revolutionary innovation or discovery.A paradigm shift is a major change in how people think and get things done that upends and replaces a prior paradigm.

The next paradigm shift