


In the aftermath of the WW2 topics predominantly reflected national (Yugoslav) consciousness, bravery of partisans and commitment to Tito’s agenda.


Rooted in contemporary society, issues were highly influenced by cultural changes and nuances in political regime. Through the 70-year long history Ciciban served as a driving force of education and enlightened emancipation of “little people” through rich typography, excellent illustrations and high level of interactivity. It is an example of excellent editorial, typographical and publishing achievement unparalleled by any of the later examples. Here is how Petra explains magazine’s background: Ciciban is a Slovenian children magazine. The level of illustration, the artists who worked for it, the level and the quality - were unique. We also had such magazines which were illustrated in a similar way. This talk really touched all my childhood memories. What happens when we apply audio effects to letterforms? Can we meaningfully modify shapes via that route?” Petra Černe Ovenĭesigning young readers through typography What do letters then sound like? What does an ‘E’ sound like? Can we hear the difference between Gotham and Garamond? What can we learn from looking at the harmonics of letterforms? But things become less abstract once we do the reverse: reconstructing shapes out of sound waves. Imagine we take the cold hard numbers that define shapes digitally, and pretend they are sound waves. This talk documents a serious, yet playful exploration of shape analysis and transformation based on signal processing, inspired by trigonometry, analog synthesizers, Lissajous and Fourier (but not Fournier!). While interesting, these are often based on subjective perception and therefore remain rather vague. Here is how Just describes the subject: “There are many parallels between sound and letters, music and typography. It was interesting to see how the sound and it’s waves transforms into the character shape and back. Just click on the empty circle on the left of each listed font and follow the installation process.įontstand for iOS fonts are available for many iOS apps including Apple Pages, Keynote, Numbers, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Autodesk SketchBook and others.This was probably the most unexpected lecture for me. You can activate any of those for your iOS apps for no additional price. You will be provided with a list of your active fonts.


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